Wednesday, August 04, 2010

There is Progress

The book is currently in the interior and book cover design stage.  It has already been edited and is a good
read, ya'll.  The publisher will send me
a few cover design mock-ups based on the purpose of the book and a few of my

I cannot believe that it is almost done, ya'll. 
Well close to done. From my understanding, I will receive a PDF of the
book for review, which I should peruse several times before I say "it's
done." Nevertheless, there is progress.

Now, book release ideas... Hmmmm.  I want
to do something, a book release party or something along those lines.  

Any ideas?


Beautiful, Educated, and Broke...... said...

I have none since I can't attend. Nice new look to your site.

TalkaboutCancer said...

You can attend in spirit!

LAL said...

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something..........The Spirit that matters......looking forward to attend... :) :)